2013: New Year, New Beginning and Resolutions

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

It’s the new year again. New year always call for a time of reflection as well as a time for new resolutions, or at least goals setting which i call it.  

One year flew by once again ever so fast again, never more so for the year of 2012. 
2012 has been a trying but fulfilling year. 2012 has been exceptionally kind to me, conferring me with a new degree, blessed me with many new friends (shouts to the darlings from MDIS – MSc class and the girls from NCC), and a decent job. More importantly 2012 taught me a very very important lesson, one which I have been emphasizing to my close knit friends recently over and over again – LOVE. 2012 taught me to appreciate my love ones (my family and my close circle of friends) cause these people will ALWAYS be there for me, to laugh and cry with me, to listen and bitch with me, and more importantly to always encourage me and urge me on every time when things look bleak. Thanks. 2012 also taught to to not just appreciate these people but to love them more (not that i don't love them enought) as much as i can give. Often than not we always think that we have lots of time in the world, things like hanging out with family can be done over the weekend. But before you know it, things might change. Morbid i know, but as aptly put by Ronan Keating "if tomorrow never comes, will she know know how i loved her..." don't put off telling people how much you appreciate them. Just tell them, scream at them, don't be shy about it, don't be stingy about it - if you love someone, appreciate them just say it! More importantly 2012 taught me to be thankful for everything i have now, to not take things for granted.

After starting a new job (healthcare related of course), I have come to realized that no amount of love I have can really do justice to everyone around me. I THOUGHT I have appreciate and love the people around me but it really isn’t enough. It is really in times of sickness where you really start appreciating your love ones and your life in essence. So for 2013, i promise to make more time for my family and friends. And my wish for the coming year (for myself and everyone): To be FILLED WITH MAGIC, DREAMS AND GOOD MADNESS.  To DREAM DANGEROUSLY AND OUTRAGEOUSLY, and to HAVE PEOPLE TO LOVE AND LIKE IN RETURN...  

Ending off I wish that 2013 will be super kind and awesome to us. May all good things go to everyone's way and everyone to stay safe and healthy!

Till next time~

New Year Eve: With the HKSS peeps~

Every year, its fair to say that most people have some grandiose plan as to how to spend the new years day. A truly impromptu affair, we (the people from HKSS) have decided to spend it over a nice dinner at Brewerkz at Merchant Court. 

It was a nice affair, having a simple american style dinner. Food was decent, the usual choices (fried chicken, beer chili fries, chicken salad, steaks, beer etc...) but the company was better! 


We spent a big amount of time talking and chatting, reminiscing about the past. It's amazing how we have known each other for 11 years already and we are still here. Making effort to meet each other up and staying up to date with each other lives. It seemed like just yesterday that we just left the notorious Hongkah secondary school. It also seemed like just yesterday that we shared our fond memories (making teachers cry, loads of basketball games after school, block catching, class punishment, copy homework and many more...), some of which I am not very proud of! But i am glad after so long we are still close! Some nice memories coming...

OMG right? From this... 

To this in 2009??

CNY 2011...

To one of us (me) graduating from Uni...

To today! 2012-2013...

Thanks my friends. Cheers to many years more to come.
Happy 2013 everyone!

Stay excited people. Enough said, 2013 BRING IT ON!

Till next time~

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