20 Things

Saturday, 28 December 2013

So recently there is this (click here) post trending on Facebook. Facebook trending articles really can occasionally teach you lessons. I clicked on it and read the article entitled "20 Things To Let Go Before The New Year". If you haven't read it yet. Do read the original or you can find it here as well.

Here are some quick and simple inspiring things we should or rather, attempt to let go before 2014. 

"Let go of all thoughts that don't make you feel empowered and strong."

"Let go of feeling guilty for doing what you truly want to do."

"Let of of the fear of the unknown; take one small step and watch the path reveal itself."

"Let go of regret; at one point in your life, that "whatever was exactly what you wanted."

"Let go of worrying; worrying is like praying for what you don't want."

"Let go of blaming anyone for anything; be accountable for your own life. If you don't like something, you have two choices, accept it or change it."

"Let go of thinking you are damaged; you matter, and the world needs you just as you are."

"Let go of thinking your dreams are not important; always follow your heart."

"Let go of being the "go-to-person" for everyone, all the time; stop blowing yourself off and take care of yourself first ... because you matter."

"Let go of thinking everyone else is happier, more successful or better off than you. You are right where you need to be. Your journey is unfolding perfectly for you."

"Let go of thinking there's a right and wrong way to do things or to see the world. Enjoy the contrast and celebrate the diversity and richness of life."

"Let go of cheating on your future with your past. It's time to move on and tell a new story."

"Let go thinking you are not where you should be. You are right where you need to be to get to where you want to go, so start asking yourself where you want to go."

"Let go of anger toward ex lovers and family. We all deserve happiness and love; just because it is over doesn't meant the love was wrong."

"Let go of the need to do more and be more; for today, you've done the best you can, and that's enough."

"Let go of thinking you have to know how to make it happen; we learn the way on the way."

"Let go of your money woes - make a plan to pay off debt and focus on your abundance."

"Let go of trying to save or change people. Everyone has her own path, and the best thing you can do is work on yourself and stop focusing on others."

"Let go of trying to fit in and be accepted by everyone. Your uniqueness is what makes you outstanding."

"Let go of self-hate. You are not the shape of your body or the number on the scale. Who you are matters, and the world needs you as you are. Celebrate you!"

These 20 things are no easy feats to let go. Some of which perhaps I have let go, and there are some I might never will. Some of my personal favourites are #3, #13 and #16. And the tougher ones to crack or if it will ever crack are #5 and #15. What are yours? (Holla me by form spring) 

I wholly agree with the writer that often then not, we carry around too much stress and burdened by life's circumstances and emotional issues. I plead guilt to this. I suppose all these stress and worries all stems down to the fact that us as human being have issues with letting go. It's not easy. As I grow older (not that I am THAT old, mind you), with more chapters of life written, I have learnt precious lessons and had my fair shares of letting go to get here. Significant lessons were learnt along the way. There were heartaches, and tears. Well that's life isn't it?

But I suppose that most definitely if we were to do things differently, if we were to embark on new journey with a fresh perspective, life can be more liberating. So perhaps we could all take a minute or more to think about this. What are some of the things that we could let go in order to be a better us. We could try to let go, perhaps (a crude analogy), we will feel that sense of satisfaction and comfort like that moment that we were able to clear that fully filled bladder of ours and truly enjoy ourselves. 
Letting go can be scary and daunting, but like what the author wrote "... it can also be an amazing act of self-love.

Specially dedicated to someone close out there. Let go.

Till next time. Cheers~

Great Words of Wisdom.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

So I am less than a month away from my big move to Perth, Australia. BIG move really. I can't help but cringe on the slightest thought about moving to a new country, away from especially my love ones (my dearest family) and my closest friends. I can't help but my heart raced a little when I think about what how I will do in my new chapter of my academic life. I can't help but feel this irrational fear about how my future holds with the changes in  medical field. I am scared, no just frighten really.

To many, worrying about the future is really a waste of time. It's unproductive. Every time we use the present to stress about the future, we're choosing to sacrifice joy today to mourn joy we might not have tomorrow. I suppose this instinctive sense of fear stems from the uncertainty. The anticipation of potential failures, the anticipation that we might not do as well as what we are doing now. Yesterday, a friend shared an article written by Regina Brett, who has a column on The Plain Dealer (read here), she wrote an article on "Regina Brett's 45 Life Lessons and 5 to Grow On..."

She wrote:

 Do visit the link to see the original article.

After reading this, I looked back at the most fulfilling parts of my life, and I realize most of them came when I least expect them to. They took me completely by surprise. Some moments might have given me some heartache, while others also provided me with new opportunities and provided excitement. For every time I've felt disappointed, there's always other moment when I've felt a sense of wonder and pure euphoria. Looking at that list of life lessons written by Regina Brett, some has popped out at me like a revelation.These are my personal favorites:

"1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good."

I am not blessed with model good looks, yet I am not entirely hideous. I am might not have gone to a great school, but yet I have my Master degree now. We might not be very well off, but we are living comfortable life. More importantly, as compared to many others,I am blessed with a great family and a bunch of loyal and amazing friends. What more can I ask for.

"7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone."

Recently a couple of closet friends went through a rough patch in their lives. There were lots of heartache. Lots of tears. Lots of cursing and swearing. But, we were there for each other. I had a fair share of my own drama, and I am thankful to have my best friends and close friends in my life. Cause nothing is quite as therapeutic as crying with someone. They just always have their way to some how impart you with crazy life lessons when you least expect it. They will be the one who will help you up again. So cry together.

"11. Make peace with your past so that it won't screw up the present."

Can't even begin how this rings a big loud bell in me. Most people accept that their past is set in stone and cannot be changed. Often than not people let it determined how things will play out in future. This kind of belief leads one to constantly re-experience painful or difficult memories and emotions causing regrets  and eventually repression, which ultimately compounds the problems.  These painful memories are like untreated wounds left to fester, they simply get worst over time, until we learn to make peace with the past. There were few moments in my life where I was constantly questioning the "whys". And I realised it was only when I go head on with the problem, face it and eventually let go could I then move forward.

"22. Over prepare. Then go with the flow."
I think this is something which I have come to realized over the years. I suppose most Singaporeans are caught up with paper chase or merit chase that we forgot why we are doing this. I've realized that there is more than just preparing for an exam, or for a race. But really, we are just trying to over prepare ourselves for what is to come - and that in itself is a good thing. As aptly put by Louis Pasteur, "chance favors the prepared mind." So it's always good to over prepare so that we will be ready for what is to come.

"45. The best is yet to come"

Enough said. If life is already at it's best, then there's not much for us to live for right?

"50. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift" 

Most people accept that their past is set in stone and cannot be changed, however, this is a fallacy.  This kind of belief/thinking leads you to constantly re-experience painful or difficult memories and emotions causing regret and eventually repression, which ultimately compounds the problem.  These painful memories are like untreated wounds, left to fester, they simply get worse over time… until you learn to make peace with your past. - See more at: http://www.thehealersjournal.com/2013/10/09/make-peace-with-your-past/#sthash.1q50Xkc7.dpuf

Most people accept that their past is set in stone and cannot be changed, however, this is a fallacy.  This kind of belief/thinking leads you to constantly re-experience painful or difficult memories and emotions causing regret and eventually repression, which ultimately compounds the problem.  These painful memories are like untreated wounds, left to fester, they simply get worse over time… until you learn to make peace with your past. - See more at: http://www.thehealersjournal.com/2013/10/09/make-peace-with-your-past/#sthash.1q50Xkc7.dpuf
Like what my mum always say, "a step at a time, things will always work out..." Uncertainty is the cost of that deeply satisfying, exhilarating, spontaneous sense of awe. Those are the moments we live for - and I try, and continuously remind myself to just give my best, immerse myself wholeheartedly on the present moment so that i wouldn't fixate on the unknown and let things work out themselves. I say life is one big fancy dress party, and we should live it and enjoy what the party brings!

Till next time! Cheers~

27th SEA Games 2013, ALL THE BEST!

Sunday, 8 December 2013

27th SEA Games is just around the corner and the team flew off today. Still feel a tad of difference to be on the older side now, the "sender" rather than the "sent".

Team Singapore.

Once again all the best to Team Sinagpore Canoeing~

All the best everyone. Let's fly our flag high! To everyone participating in the 27th SEA games, all the best and have loads of fun racing!

Baby Brother's Moment.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

This post is dedicated to my baby brother. Dedicated to him for his sheer perseverance and hard work put in today for his achievement.

Today, 1st December 2013, is the once-a-year, most noted event on the running calendar THE STANDARD CHARTERED MARATHON SINGAPORE 2013. Brother and I originally signed up together, with the aim of running together. But as luck had it, i tore my MCL 2 weeks ago (leave it to another post and shan't steal his light), he had to run alone. 

Well, despite so, he FINISHED. Seriously, timing doesn't matter as it is his maiden race. This quote aptly puts what I feel into perspective:

"Dead Last is Greater Than Did Not Finish, Which Trumps Did Not Start."

Truthfully speaking, as any runner out there would second on, what he did comes close to a suicide mission. Mileage building up was not put in (though he faithfully did 5 to 10k per day). Furthest he had run was 10k?? Concern, concern, concern was the only thing i can say. But regardless, I still hand him a tip or two. Things such as "loads of vaseline on your thighs, arms, chests etc.", "hydrate at every water point", "gel at 21",  "bananas at 30" and most importantly "no shame if you have to drop out if you are feeling unwell." There he went, left the house at 4:10am and cab down to Orchard. I made a promise to him that I will cheer him on near the finishing point and told him to give it his all. 

Stationed myself at the 75m mark waiting for him nervously.  

This is my station. Lol.

Waiting. Waiting. And he finally came! Worth the time I was waiting there, cause as any sister is, I was nervous that he might collapse somewhere. But there he came...

 All smiles. I was super happy honestly. To see him, after 40k+ and still have that smile and enthusiasm.

I always say, "there's always time for a picture". 

Honestly, he looked great! Once again I say "Super proud of you brother". It's your moment. 

Proud finisher.

One last one. 
Pictures speaks a thousand words. Can't emphasise again how proud I am.
Love you brother.

Till next time, cheers~

On Turning 25...

Thursday, 3 October 2013

So I have turned 25 just a while ago.
And so happen, how "appropriately" this article showed up on my facebook feed. 

 Honestly, this is a pretty good read.

Then just somehow, coincidentally (or not) people started sharing more and more similar thought post on being in your 20's or 25s...

 I’m feeling a little weirded out by all of the birthday blog posts I’ve been seeing lately. All these got me thinking what's the big deal about turning 25? Or it is a big deal? I remember joking with my older friends or friends who were turning 25 like "what's the big deal, its only 25!" and continued to joke about "we have roam this earth for a quarter of a century now..." Many responded about the dread and uneasiness and warn me that you will experience the same thing. 

Honestly, now I have officially turned 25, I liked to say that the "wave of dread and uneasiness" did not quite hit me. Yes, I feel a tad older (DUH? after all one year has passed and biologically your body has taken another year of beating). I hadn't planned on writing a birthday-post really. But since a group of my friends (K&J) said to my on my birthday that "you only turn a big -25-once" so I thought it would be appropriate for me to document a few of my thoughts as a person who is officially now a quarter of a century old.

K & J on my birthday

At the age of 25, living in an Asian country embedded with many traditions and practices, one (especially a senior) will always asked. What are you doing now? (Simply put, what have you achieved?) Are you seeing someone now? (Getting married yet? Your cousins are already popping babies...) Oh this is one of my favourite - Heard you are still in school (In their eyes, you are still bumping and wasting your life away in school.) To many, twenty-five is the age of professional athletes or successful professionals. Twenty-five is the age of married couples and parents to many little ones. Twenty-five is the age of people who are out of their confusing early 20s and on-track with their careers and lives in general.

Honestly i can't quite say that i am in those one of the twenty-five group. I am neither a professional athlete now (like many of my ex team mates have become), nor am i a proud married woman with toddlers running around at home (still single and ever for available to mingle). I can't quite say that i am a successful professional either given that i am less than a year into my first job. Have I failed? To some perhaps, but in my eyes not really. Things like successful career, owning or en-route to having a prefect family etc. should not be the milestone determining our successes at the age of 25.

Today, at the age of 25, I'd liked to think that I am pretty successful (not in the usual terms). I'd like to think that regardless of the "tradition milestones" that many 25 should have achieved, I have achieved my own set of "unique milestones" that many  have yet to experience. At the age of 25, I am proud to say that I have had one too many exciting experiences. I've gotten the chance to experience unique profession not many people could. I learnt what it takes to "attempt" to become a professional athlete. Put in endless hours to training, teared ever so occasionally due to sheer toughness of the sports, punished the ever so tired body demanded by the brunt of this sport. As an added bonus, I get to travel around the world for professional competitions, travel to exotic places and made many amazing friends that you otherwise would not have met. At the age of 25, I am a proud holder of my Master degree. When people chose to go straight into a job right after graduation, I have decided to go back to school yet again. I am thankful to have made this decision and the enormous support from my family. Today I am clear of what I would like to achieve with my life and what kind of career I want to have. At the age of 25, I started my first job in a professional area (healthcare) which has bring me much joy and enthusiasm. Have I reached my "tradition milestones"? Not really. But I am closer to where I was yesterday. Have I failed. Not really. I have had setbacks, made terrible decisions (which some I have come to regret a little), and wasted time. But it is these experience that made me me.
At the age of 25, I have grown so much, coming out of my shell, gained great deal of confidence and acquire skills and knowledge which my 20 year old self wouldn't have.


I think part of growing up is realizing that the cookie cutter lifestyle is a myth. We are NOT suppose to be at certain checkpoints at certain age. We think we know what we're supposed to be doing with our lives at different age, but in reality these "checkpoints" are different for everyone. Perhaps if we stop fussing over where we should be at certain age, and start realizing what we want to be then turning 25 is really not too bad. To my fellow people out there who is 25, or turning 25 soon... REALLY IT'S NO BIG DEAL. Turning 25 or being 25 should be an exciting time of our lives. It should still be the time that we continue exploring and making mistakes because we still have time to correct the wrongs. And I say we live it to the fullest!

Cheers, I~ 

Johnnie Walker Circuit Lounge 2013

Monday, 30 September 2013

So the marked calendar event of the year - Singapore F1 Grand Prix 2013 - just flew by over the weekend. Coming along with the crazily engineered fast cars and adrenaline pumped races are the awesome loads of fringe parties happening around Singapore. Not to be missed is the signature Johnnie Walker's Formula 1 party, the Johnnie Walker's Circuit Lounge.

Picture credit to spunkititud3

So I have heard about plenty of stories about Johnnie Walker's Party.  It's all about glamour, class and panache all thrown into one. I have never attended a Johnnie Walker part before. So I am exceptionally lucky and thankful to be privy to one of the most rave about, 
money-can't-buy-experience, crème de la crème of premier after party. 
Boy, Johnnie Walker really knows how to throw a party! This year, the Johnnie Walker Circuit Lounge Party was held on the night of 21 September, at Marina Bay Sands. The theme of the party was “Step Into The Circuit” and the dress code was “chic and glamorous” to encompass the luxurious theme of the party.

"...This edition of Circuit Lounge promises to take luxury into new levels through indulgent surrounding, high fashion, classic cocktails, and a stellar entertainment line-up where big band musicians meet international DJs."

 This description is so apt because the party is as promised. Be ready for the photo galore ahead...

The party this year was held at Marina Bay Sand Convention Hall B and theme for this year is chic and glamorous. Kudos to the team of Johnnie Walker for turning a mundane space into a swanky, elegant and multi-sensory party venue. So this year, I had invited a couple of friends along. As luck has it, one is down with a bug while something cropped up for another. Nevertheless, spirits weren't dampened. We were still very excited to about the party. My close girlfriend of mine, Janet and I arrived at the circuit lounge around 11pm. Right time I would have to say as heaps of people were strolling in around this time as well.

Yeah we were ready... Just sheer luck we both decide to show up in black. (I suppose that's the color you will go for for chic and glamorous right?)

Even the wrist tags are pretty?

Red Black carpet treatment the moment you arrive.

A sneak peek into the exciting party hall. 
Spy the graciously spacious bar counter... Check out the crowd~

Close up of the beautiful gold themed bar to compliment the Johnnie Walker Gold Label.
Rows and rows of Gold Label.
Picture credit to Johnnie Walker Singapore

Further close up of the awesome DJ station.
Adding a touch of New York charm, Mel DeBarge has guests on their feet with his famous blend of party anthems.
Picture credit to Johnnie Walker Singapore

One of the hallmark of the Johnnie Walker Party is their flavour lab.
Flavour Lab is Johnnie Walker's/Circuit Lounge's signature experimental bar, where whisky fans get to try special contrivance mixes, concoctions, creations prepared by world class bartenders.
This year evocative creations were crafted and served by Diageo Reserve World Class Program bartenders: Jeremy Chua, Kae Yin, Zachary de Git and Tim Philips. We managed to try Gold Berry Rock, a raspberry cocktail solidified in liquid nitrogen and Honeybee (think ice popsicle). Both were really good!

Besides featuring these world class bartenders and amazing concoctions, there were plenty of entertainment as well. Personal favorite will be the performance by The Mad Violinist (youtube him) as well as DJ Mel Debarge. There are plenty of others (including a fashion show) as well who really hyped up the night.

Well all in all, J and I had a fabulous time at the party. Drinks were great, music was great, crowd was amazing, it was indeed a night to remember. Johnnie Walker definitely pull out all the stops for the most fantastic experience. Definitely setting my eyes on the next one!

Till next time. Keep. On. Walking.

Johnnie Walker’s signature Formula 1 party series, Circuit Lounge, returns for the Singapore Grand Prix weekend in September. This edition of Circuit Lounge promises to take luxury to new levels through indulgent surroundings, high fashion, classic cocktails, and a stellar entertainment line-up where big band musicians meet international DJs. - See more at: http://www.citynomads.com/events/dj/2555/johnnie-walker-circuit-lounge-set-to-dazzle-singapore-for-one-exclusive-night#sthash.krKtcxZ8.dpuf
Johnnie Walker’s signature Formula 1 party series, Circuit Lounge, returns for the Singapore Grand Prix weekend in September. This edition of Circuit Lounge promises to take luxury to new levels through indulgent surroundings, high fashion, classic cocktails, and a stellar entertainment line-up where big band musicians meet international DJs. - See more at: http://www.citynomads.com/events/dj/2555/johnnie-walker-circuit-lounge-set-to-dazzle-singapore-for-one-exclusive-night#sthash.krKtcxZ8.dpuf
Johnnie Walker’s signature Formula 1 party series, Circuit Lounge, returns for the Singapore Grand Prix weekend in September. This edition of Circuit Lounge promises to take luxury to new levels through indulgent surroundings, high fashion, classic cocktails, and a stellar entertainment line-up where big band musicians meet international DJs. - See more at: http://www.citynomads.com/events/dj/2555/johnnie-walker-circuit-lounge-set-to-dazzle-singapore-for-one-exclusive-night#sthash.krKtcxZ8.dpuf
Johnnie Walker’s signature Formula 1 party series, Circuit Lounge, returns for the Singapore Grand Prix weekend in September. This edition of Circuit Lounge promises to take luxury to new levels through indulgent surroundings, high fashion, classic cocktails, and a stellar entertainment line-up where big band musicians meet international DJs. - See more at: http://www.citynomads.com/events/dj/2555/johnnie-walker-circuit-lounge-set-to-dazzle-singapore-for-one-exclusive-night#sthash.krKtcxZ8.dpufv
Johnnie Walker’s signature Formula 1 party series, Circuit Lounge, returns for the Singapore Grand Prix weekend in September. This edition of Circuit Lounge promises to take luxury to new levels through indulgent surroundings, high fashion, classic cocktails, and a stellar entertainment line-up where big band musicians meet international DJs. - See more at: http://www.citynomads.com/events/dj/2555/johnnie-walker-circuit-lounge-set-to-dazzle-singapore-for-one-exclusive-night#sthash.krKtcxZ8.dpuf
Johnnie Walker’s signature Formula 1 party series, Circuit Lounge, returns for the Singapore Grand Prix weekend in September. This edition of Circuit Lounge promises to take luxury to new levels through indulgent surroundings, high fashion, classic cocktails, and a stellar entertainment line-up where big band musicians meet international DJs. - See more at: http://www.citynomads.com/events/dj/2555/johnnie-walker-circuit-lounge-set-to-dazzle-singapore-for-one-exclusive-night#sthash.krKtcxZ8.dpuf
Johnnie Walker’s signature Formula 1 party series, Circuit Lounge, returns for the Singapore Grand Prix weekend in September. This edition of Circuit Lounge promises to take luxury to new levels through indulgent surroundings, high fashion, classic cocktails, and a stellar entertainment line-up where big band musicians meet international DJs. - See more at: http://www.citynomads.com/events/dj/2555/johnnie-walker-circuit-lounge-set-to-dazzle-singapore-for-one-exclusive-night#sthash.krKtcxZ8.dpuf

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